How to use Daily Writers’ Fix
Look outside your window, the one you’re sitting closest to right now. Spend ten minutes freewriting, jotting down whatever comes to mind.
Who used to live here, who will live here in the future? Tell this house’s story, letting the sense of smell guide the reader. Do you smell simmering soup from happy days gone by, fresh flowers gracing the entrance and welcoming guests at a party? What about fresh, tropical air flooding through the rooms when a new owner takes possession and opens it up?
Take your main character on a road trip. What’s on his or her playlist?
There’s no snow in sight–yet. So if you’re writing a scene that takes place outside in the winter, you have to imagine. Today describe the feelings of winter, from the sting of sleet on your exposed skin to to the feeling of a snowball sticking to your mittens. Make a list if you wish, or develop your descriptions into a scene or a poem.
Grab Bag:
Today, in honor of National Novel Writing Month, challenge yourself to write 1,667 words–the daily average to meet the NaNoWriMo goal–whether you’re participating or not. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a short story draft or a journal entry, or perhaps 1,667 words of freewriting. Just let the words flow.
Suggestion: If you have a writing project or assignment you’re procrastinating on, consider using today to kick it into gear.