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Daily Writers’ Fix: Grab Bag

Today, in honor of National Novel Writing Month, challenge yourself to write 1,667 words–the daily average to meet the NaNoWriMo goal–whether you’re participating or not. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a short story draft or a journal entry, or perhaps 1,667 words of freewriting. Just let the words flow.

Suggestion: If you have a writing project or assignment you’re procrastinating on, consider using today to kick it into gear.

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Daily Writers’ Fix: Grab Bag

Choose a word. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a noun, verb, or adjective, as long as it relates to a story you’re working on. Find a language dictionary online and translate your word to the language of your choice. Without thinking of the meaning of the translated word, spend 10 minutes freewriting about what associations its sound brings to mind. Does this give you any new ideas for your story?

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Daily Writers’ Fix: Grab Bag

The Old Man and the Sea, Murder on the Orient Express, The Darjeeling Limited, and even Snakes on a Plane–think of stories that revolve in large part around some form of transportation. Come up with an idea for a short story at involves transportation, whether by car, plane, or train, or on horseback or foot. Start an outline or rough draft today. If you like where it’s headed, keep working on it in the coming days and weeks. If not, file it away with other works in progress. You never know when it might spark another idea.

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Daily Writers’ Fix: Grab Bag

Cats roam the ruins of ancient Ephesus, millions of tourists tread the ancient roads of Pompeii. Think about the contrast of the ancient past and the present and write down five possible story ideas that come to mind. Don’t worry about developing them right now, just write down everything that comes to mind, then file them away for a future date when you’re feeling stuck.