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Daily Writers’ Fix: Photo Week

I hope you’ve been enjoying Nooks & Cranberries’ Daily Writers’ Fix posts. This week I’d like to encourage you to stretch your imagination. So, for the next seven days I’ll be posting a photo, sometimes with one of the five senses but without additional prompts. Use those photos, along with the senses if you wish, to jumpstart your creativity. It’s a great exercise in finding inspiration in the world around you, and who knows–you might just create the beginning of a masterpiece!

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Daily Writers’ Fix: Grab Bag

Place your character in a new city, somewhere she’s never been before. She just arrived. What does she look forward to most, and what does she dread? How does the way she approaches a new place color her personality?

Optional: If you like where today’s writing is going, take it one step further and use yesterday’s Daily Writers’ Fix to describe this new city.

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Daily Writers’ Fix: Grab Bag

The setting of your story shouldn’t be an afterthought. Done well, a setting can almost be a character, helping to propel the story forward and add richness and depth to your plot. Today consider one of your primary settings. Describe it in detail, from its landmarks to its hidden corners, from its physical appearance to the general attitudes of its population. Now review your descriptions and see how your setting can work its way into your story in fresh, exciting ways.

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Daily Writers’ Fix: Touch

What is your character afraid of? How does that fear physically manifest itself when she’s facing it? If she’s afraid of heights, does she grip the Ferris wheel seat for dear life until her knuckles turn white? If he’s afraid of spiders, does the sight of one send crawling feelings up his arms as if he were covered in them? What does your character fear, and what do the reactions say about him or her?