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Daily Writers’ Fix: Sound

Close your eyes. Not changing anything about your surroundings, just listen. Sit back and take it all in, noticing all the sounds around you, no matter how slight they may be. Maybe you hear the dishwasher in the other other room, the lapping of ocean waves outside your waterfront hotel room, or the laughter of children at the park down the street. Maybe there’s an argument in the apartment down the hall, or you’re surrounded by silence.

What moods do the noises around you suggest? Write a short story, poem, or scene that captures these sounds and moods.

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Daily Writers’ Fix: Grab Bag

It’s your turn. Look at this photo from all angles. Look at the color, the light, the shadows, the textures. What scenes does it bring to mind, what emotions? Come up with five writing prompts based on this photo. Save them in a running list of writing prompts either on your computer desktop or on a piece of paper you keep at your writing space. Better yet, type them in the Comments section below and share your inspiration with others!

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Daily Writers’ Fix: Taste

It’s a late summer day at sunset. What is (or was) in your character’s glass? Does it matter to your scene? It might if she’s rolling the last sip of wine around in her mouth while mentally replaying and processing a conversation or argument from earlier in the day.

Today, use a common, potentially-mundane fact like a beverage to illuminate part of your character’s personality.